7:00 PM19:00

Anchorage, Alaska - House Concert with Paul Benoit and Chris Chandler

Our Kerrville friends (they’ve headlined there!) Paul and Chris are coming back for what I am calling the “End to Angst” tour… Chris’ remarkable spoken word backed by Paul’s brilliant guitar have blown folks away across the country. I first saw Chris Chandler at The Burren in Somerville Mass. and Paul Benoit has soled at our House shows a number of times, and plays lead on my Traveling Through CD. Remarkable musicians you won’t want to miss! RSVP only, $20.00 per person is the recommended donation - all for the musicians. We provide the wine!

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to Dec 31

Late Fall tour

Depending on things that inhibit our travel to the lower 48 - like Canadian/US relations - we plan on setting up a number of dates this winter in the lower 48. If you are interested in having us perform in November and December, please let us know at!

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7:00 PM19:00

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Private Event: The Salon (RSVP required, multiple acts)

As part of a wider tour, Sarah and I will once again be performing just two songs live in Philadelphia at this incredible gathering! This is a scheduled, multi-artist event. For those interested, please e mail me at: for more information! The Salon meets monthly for much of the year and is a fabulous gathering of worldwide talent hosted by the incomparable composer Andrea Clearfield that really cannot be missed. There is a Zoom link as well for those who cannot make it to Philadelphia. Join the event and donate generously to the talented folks who perform!

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7:00 PM19:00

Sitka, Alaska - The Monthly Grind

Sarah and I are back at the Sitka Grind for some original music and a ten-word song! I’ve played the Grind for over 21 years, and always look forward to the audience and the “words” that they toss at me. Plus, this is the Original Artist Grind so Sitka is putting on the talent! A beautiful city, beautiful people, and a great time to be had by all. Bring a dessert or a small contribution to see the show. More information at:

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6:30 PM18:30

Anchorage, Alaska - House Concert

Normally this, our performance, would be our opening House Concert for our annual series again on Iditarod Weekend - but we will have already had the February 13th performance of the delightful Andrew and Erin Heist! Though this will be the official traditional kick-off the series - with Sarah Sledge and I performing our original music. Watch for other shows in the series through out the Spring, Summer and Fall! Click here for more information and to RSVP. $20.00 suggested contribution, RSVP required.

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6:30 PM18:30

Anchorage, Alaska - House Concert featuring Erin and Andrew Heist

Two accomplished and amazing bluegrass musicians, Erin and Andrew Heist, are in the House to preview our House Concert series for the year (officially opening with our show on March 1). I first heard them live at a House Concert in Girdwood last year and was blown away by their sound. So good that I immediately purchased Erin’s CD (yes, I have a CD player still…) This is exactly the pre-Valentine’s Day treat everyone should hear. You can listen to Erin and learn more here. You won’t want to miss these two folks straight out of Juneau on their mini- Southcentral Tour. Click here for more information and to RSVP. $20.00 suggested contribution, RSVP required.

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7:00 PM19:00

Anchorage, Alaska House Concert

While we are not playing, we are hosting two of our own Alaska groups - and friends of ours. This night we will feature Yngvil Van Guttu and Elena Lukina El as Two Rivers, with an opening set from Luna&Ursus. Reservations required, $20 suggested donation at the door (all proceeds go to the artists). Doors open at 6:30, show begins at 7:00! For more details, contact us here.

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6:30 PM18:30

Sitka, Alaska - Returning to the Grind!

Once again returning to Sitka for the Grind and a ten-word song! I’ve played the Grind for over 20 years, but took a few year hiatus. Now I am on my way back to this great southeast Alaska city with the lovely Sarah Sledge. We plan to perform four original songs (at least) and write a song for the audience from ten words they throw out. Its a fun night for the whole community as local acts perform their original creations in this, the Original Artist Grind! Bring a dessert or a small contribution to see the show. More information at:

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6:30 PM18:30

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - House Concert POSTPONED!

Sarah Sledge and I return to our friends Mike and Carol’s place for a lovely evening of entertainment! Always a fundraiser for a great community cause. More information on the event to follow. For information and RSVP:

Sadly, we will have to postpone this show until sometime next years as our hosts had some unexpected issues come up. But stay tuned as this is one of our favorite shows to play! We love Mike and Carol!

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3:00 PM15:00

Tampa, Florida - House Concert

House Concert. Sarah and I will be performing at Jeannie Holton’s House Concert - e mail for more details! We play at 4:45. Mark Carufel will be opening the show at 4:00 and the show is followed by a potluck at 6:00 - eating, talking, and gathering, so bring your listening ears and something scrumptious (other then yourselves!) It’s an early evening because we know it’s a “school night”!

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6:00 PM18:00

Lakeland, Florida - House Concert

Sarah and I will be performing at Satya Life Yoga, a Yoga studio during the day and a unique venue for us that evening! The show starts promptly at 6:00 PM, and the doors open at 5:45. This is in the yoga studio, so it’s a barefoot show (no shoes, but you can bring your socks!) $15.00 suggested at the door. 4684 Cleveland Heights Blvd., Lakeland (next to Subway). RSVP:

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6:00 PM18:00

Anchorage, Alaska - Ava Earl in concert; Tom and Sarah open

Another of our House Concert series - Let’s give a warm welcome to Alaska’s own Ava Earl. She first played at our series as the opening act for Anna Tival some years ago. A young talent, Ava started in Girdwood and has been winning over audiences around the country with her original, poignant, and meaningful music ever since. In the midst of her tour she’s coming home and we are pleased to host - and open - for her! More information on Ava here. Here is one of our favorite Ava Earl performances. $20 suggested donation at the door (all proceeds go to Ava). Doors open at 5:30, show begins at 6:00!

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