My Father

April 6, 2007 - Today my Father would have been 75 had he lived.  But instead I am older than he ever was now by 6  -- nearly 7 -- years.  I find that odd, in a way.  Its a day of reflection... Usually the Fund would announce winners of the scholarships named in his honor, but those have been delayed for a month or so.

I have finally slowed down a bit, trying to catch up on the world of recreation, though building a great number of sonnets in anticipation of my book of sonnets (to be released in Feb. '08) !  Though normally reflective of love or adventure, some have slipped political lately.  Following is Ozymandias (2007)- a remake of a great sonnet with W as the protagonist ...

Ozymandias 2007

Armed with the ammunition of story

I blaze forth, retell my past, and create

              the heroic pattern of history

Where myth becomes truth, reality debate

I stand as democracy’s lone sentry

I dictate and decide who is with us

               and who lies against freedom’s destiny

Or denies to history my purpose

I treat the future with abandon, for

My name is Ozymandias, arisen!

              I determine all and then command when war

Is to be forgotten and rewritten.

Legacy? It is left to my judgment

I am but God’s vessel, his instrument

By the way, "Eddie's Song" continues to hover around 100 out of 1200 plus for the "Living With War" site.  If you want a chance to help move that song along, just click on the site and when you get there, do a "find" on "Begich".  That will take you to the song (then just click to listen!)