December 7, 2015 - Elko, Nevada. Pearl Harbor Day, but its overshadowed by a different frame... Looming terrorism, threats that seek to undermine the Constitution, climate change, unrelenting argument, disagreement, discouragement.... It is what all of these things have in common. How is it possible that a leading Presidential contender in America could say Muslims should be banned and claim to love a country that respects religious freedom? Donald Trump is a sick man. Interviews on the street from NPR have those they talked to agreeing that this was the only way to be safe... So will Trump call for the banning of bearded white rural males the next time one shoots up an abortion clinic? Will he demand that young white males be outlawed "until we are able to determine and understand this problem..." when one takes it into his head to destroy another grade school classroom? I thought not.
So, the shooters in San Bernardino had legally purchased assault weapons and they apparently used them regularly at a shooting range or ranges in the L.A. area. When a bunch of Saudi's flew into the World Trade Center, we found out that the pilots had been trained at a Florida flight school (and I think one in Arizona). After that we began monitoring those who went to flight school to keep abreast of the potential threat. Do you think we will track those who use shooting ranges? Right. Or Republicans in Congress scream about protecting the homeland, but when it is suggested that those on the "No Fly List" be denied firearms, the call it a "distraction". The distraction here is that it appears that these people actually don't give a damn about the "threat" or the solution to it. That would be too much work. Instead they call the President a "pussy", rattle sabers and claim that they would kick some Moslem ass. But it is really just about the bullshit of power, and creating whatever mileage they can out of fear to retain and secure power.
It's sickening. But instead of calling it what it is, we argue with them about the nuances of these points - as though this was a legitimate set of arguments that could be reasoned. Reasoning between two people takes, well, two people willing to reason. Otherwise? It is just a waste of time. The ending to this story is not going to be pretty, I suspect.
Here is a better idea: do what Highland Park did. Determine how you want to be governed at the local level. At least seven Supreme Court Justices agree that local governments have that authority.
I really should listen to the radio less on these cross country trips....