A new President

February 15, 2009 - Could I have really let 10 months go by without writing here?  Yep! I decided to send e mails, make some cash to pay for the never-ending remodel of the house (it nears its end now - perhaps two weeks away, though it started in November of 2007...).  And soooo much has happened since then.  On the surface, a new President, a new Alaska U. S. Senator that I happen to be related to (my Brother Mark was elected this past November!), I mentioned the house, deeper down lots of travel and reflection on the world, music, writing, love and life.  As some friends say, I smell an album there, and they may be right....  Tim Mason (whose new book of poetry "Feral Voices" was just released) and I have worked on a new collaboration of spoken word and music following a great gig up at Whole Wheat Radio this past September, while playing with Rolfe Buzzell again in Dillingham this past November reminded me of exactly why I do this (posted some radio clips from the two stories in Dillingham in the Press section). I not only travelled all around the states since that last entry, I managed to have my first Kerrville experience in May (won't be my last - worked theatre security!) and a second in the fall. Spent much of June in Idaho and August in Europe, September and October in Alaska and all over the East and West coasts, November in AK, December in DC, Idaho, Washington state and AK and January at all of the election festivities in DC (with a quick stop in New York and Boston).  There is probably much to say about the great folks I have met and the things that went on, but those will have to slip out over time.  More importantly, in the process of all of this, I rediscovered the meaning of love and happiness - something that has eluded me for a few years.  I suspect I'll write more on that over time, but suffice it to know it is there.

Also new for me - I finally (today) joined Facebook - so now my every word can be seen by all...  I keep swearing that I am going to reduce the technology vicegrip on my time, but keep failing.  Alas, more perhaps to that as I struggle with tech and the web over time.  In the meantime I am finally starting to re-book shows for the coming year and hope to have a full two year calendar up in the near future. Keep your eyes out for that! First up is Memphis and the Folk Alliance where I will be in the Club Passim Showcase with Tim Mason (later to be Broadcast on XM 15 The Village).  I would be remiss if I also did not mention that Saturday February 21st mark's the release of my good friend Terry Holder'sthird CD "Ticket to the Moment".  She and husband Jerry along with a raft of good musicians have made a great CD.  Do try to stop by if you get a chance and are in the area.

In the meantime it gets late, so I will sign off with a full intent to try and keep this blog up....