My Father's 76th Birthday

April 7, 2008 - So a day after what would have been my Father's 76th Birthday - April 6, 2008.  Unbeknownst to the Anchorage Press, they published their superb piece Into the Sky on my Father the same week as his Birthday.  Take a look, and maybe get a bit more into my head (not that this blog doesn't do that).  I often wonder how his life would have evolved - and, naturally, how ours would have (all of us children and my Mom).

Its been one of those months.  In Saipan playing for friends last month, now back home (still waiting for the house to be finished) and mixing a bit of that political and musical life of mine with a large dash of community.  The usual mix. On the music front, I will be playing here in town at Side Street Espresso on the 17th and Esther Golton is opening! Her Dulcimer and flute and my sound (hopefully joined by my good friend Rolfe Buzzell on harmonica) should be a great time to get out and celebrate (one hopes) Spring.  After the five inches that fooled us this past week - its time for the real thaw!

Nearly done with those Sonnets - just had one posted to DailyKos.  Du'a Khali Aswad was a Yazidi girl in Iraq who was "honor" murdered by her family for dating a boy of another sect.  The brutal killing was captured on cell phone cameras, by cheering members of her family as this 17 year old life was snuffed out.  It saddened me then and does so still.  Check out the blog and the Sonnet there.

Starting to book the end of the year, events coming in May, June, July.  Keep checking back, and I will see you down the road!